About The Owner


It is always hard to talk about myself because who I am, which ultimately translates in what my company is all about, is very complex and difficult to explain. 

I am a person who loves life to the fullest, I always have. I come from poor family in Poland, but I have traveled the world (33 different countries) by the age of 22. I am a person of many passions, interests, fascinations. A career flight attendant of 27 years, scuba diver, husband, animal lover, first generation immigrant and....herbalist.

How do you connect those things together? Simple answer - if you love life that much and you respect the planet you live on, it is natural that you constantly seek the way to make this life longer and find the purpose to drive you throe the rocky road of trying to find the perfect balance.

Back in my native Poland the life is different than where I live now, in Florida. Everything what we eat and make is more natural and organic. My family still lives in the countryside, life is surrounded by using every natural resource to put the food on the table. 

When I fist came to US I noticed the beauty of the country and the nation, but right after that I also realized how commercialized this life is. Everything from medicine, food industry, supplements.....all of it was soaked with man made, artificial promise of taste, life and "do not worry now, you will worry later" type of approach to everything. Knowing that what is artificial usually does not serve you well on the long run, I started to adjust and find the way to keep my lifestyle as close to the nature as possible.

Florida is my little paradise. Ocean, palm trees, summer all year long and so much preserved natural beauty. It was easy for me to naturally seek sources of good food, natural medicine and health life style in general - just maintain that healthy balance and make the life as long as possible.

At my work I was constantly exposed to harms of different time zones, altitudes, irregular sleep, poor eating. It is easy to slip into the ocean of health problems when you fly so much, spending hours in closed metal tube with people, who at times are not so healthy.

This has pulled me into the world of herbs, the only source I knew from my childhood could really and effectively keep me safe and healthy. I was researching, finding herbal remedies and coming back from the health stores with bags full of natural remedies. 

Eventually I ended up making my own herbal extracts, taking my remedies on regular daily bases. Few months later I have noticed some really encouraging changes. My morning joint aches disappeared, I felt more energized and slept so much better at night. The most important was that besides drastically reducing inflammation in my body, I was also not getting sick as often, and even if I did, it lasted just few days, instead of weeks.

Herbs changed my life, and by creating Tierra Botanica I wanted to share my experiences with others, make you, my customer, enjoy living healthy and balanced life. The biggest take from my experience with herbs is, that working with nature to bring proactively defenses our body naturally possesses, is the key to feel good and enjoy all my hobbies and activities. I hope to show others that it is worth taking a chance on Earth's LOVE and believe in its healing power.

It is never too late to start, so if you are ready to make commitment - this is the moment. Life is too short for doctor's visits. Recent pandemic scare should make us all realize that we have to do everything possible to be strong and mitigate the risk of getting sick as much as we possibly can. So why not doing it the natural way.....The Earth is giving us LOVE and all the tools. Let's start using them now!